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What is Orgone 

Where did Orgone begin?

Orgone began with William Reich, a Doctor of medicine and a psychoanalyst, he was born on 24th March, 1897, and he was a pupil of Freud and later became the director of Freud’s outpatient clinic- The Vienna Ambulatorium

He was a well-respected medical scientist, the author of many books; his most famous – The mass psychology of fascism. (Sound familiar?) However he became known as a ‘rogue’, due to his discovery of Orgone energy. Science was instilled with materialism, and any scientist breaking discovery with consciousness or energy fields was outed.

He moved to New York in 1939 and the term Orgone was born, he stated Orgone being biological energy; energy structured from within the body.  A year later, he started to build his Orgone accumulators; devices that people would sit in for health purposes. He performed experiments on people and found the particle known as Orgone had the same resonance as the sun; in forms of energy. His device cured many people.


Reich's work detailed growth patterns of life and the morphogenetic energy fields; Orgone was the basis of all life developments; the energetic field that surrounds all of us is omnipresent; energy that is present everywhere at the same time. This energy field is also known as chi, prana, ether and Orgone (DOR/POR). He was a frontier with his studies on the expression of ego, anxiety, neurosis, sexuality and religion, all expressions that modern truth seekers would say are the core of your resonance- your vibration.

The Orgone energy was embraced in the 20th century; his work had the scientific field fascinated, yet he also became a target from officials because any person claiming ‘healing’ or natural therapy without prescription drugs was labelled erratic, psychotic or irrational, this was the same time that the stable foundations of the Elite were growing and this was a battle he could not win due to the immense fortunes of those who were against him.


Reich had incredible ability to collect and record data, his research was comprehensive, which presented evidence that his work was therapeutic and healing; however by 1954 he was the casualty of punishing harassment which resulted in Reich being labelled as radical, unstable and quack. All of his journals and data were destroyed by the authorities; they did not want his data/proof to be leaked to the public. He was eventually imprisoned and it was declared that Orgone did not exist; he was noted historically for his work in psychiatry and psychoanalysis.  He died in prison in 1957. Wilhelm Reich was a pioneer for future natural healers, today 60 years later, natural medicines are still considered quackery, and the modern world recommends taking a tablet for your sickness. –

A healthy patient is a customer lost!


Orgone never rested for too long and found its way back to the science field with many great people reproducing and reinventing the original process of Orgone, Austrian Karl Hans Welz developed the Orgone generator.  Don Croft modernized the Orgonite formula in the early 2000’s, adding crystal in to a resin metal mix, the crystal implementing the piezoelectric effect amplifying the energy of Orgone. The crofts also pioneered the gifting movement which is now world-wide. We thank and honour Don Croft for his incredible insight to this amazing product.


How does Orgone work?

Reich’s work presented 2 major forms of Orgone -

POR – positive Orgone radiation

DOR- dead Orgone radiation /or negative Orgone

POR – positive Orgone is found naturally in nature; you feel it when you are in a forest, near a river, or waterfall, deep in Mother Nature. Nature is our largest filter of disruption to our own vibrational resonance.  If you are receptive to energy fields, you will understand the presence of energy that you cannot really show someone, it is there, you feel it and it makes you feel whole, balanced and complete. It flows without question.

DOR- Dead Orgone energy is found in areas condensed with man-made structures/large cities; where there is more concrete than nature, cell towers, transmission towers, electronic devices, cars, trucks, trains, smog,  pollution all create DOR, this vibrational energy accumulates and collects thermosphere stagnation. Dead Orgone has no natural flow; it is like a river that has become stagnant.


If you are receptive to energy, you will understand how it feels to be drained by the accumulation of Dead energy on your vibrational resonance. This can also be present when you are around negative people or situations/this energy drains your spirit essence.


What makes Orgone Tech Unique?

Every person that has the ability to make Orgone is unique; the energy of Orgone is attracted to certain individuals, and we certainly are not competitive with anyone making authentic Orgone, we support and embrace all people that are collectively making this product to assist in rectifying the balance of positive Orgone throughout the earth.

We at Orgone Tech are a family business, together we have collective knowledge of energy and how energy is transferred through this dimension in various ways.  Together we are conscious of programming, transformation, the universal energies, the soul, spirit and source. Astrology, numerology, tarot, and cold readings, we have the ability to send and receive energy, to transform and understand.


We belong to the collective souls who are rising consciousness, and the soul essence of our combined energy is what we feel creates a whole to the end product. Yet we say, you must feel an attraction to our products without question, know by knowing is your connection to source, it is knowledge within that no-one has taught, you just know without question that it is true.

At Orgone Tech, each Orgone is handmade with unique energy properties, shapes and cycles of the planets, using high grade crystals and metals through spiritual intention, also implementing a constant hertz while each orgone is drying. The Orgone energy is amplified by these energies and properties.

Be aware of cheap imitations of Orgone, look for cheap artificially coloured pieces, these are ornaments and have no energetic properties whatsoever.



Why/who needs an Orgone?

At Orgone Tech we think everyone needs Orgone, there are multi-level needs for the Orgone, from simply having it around your home near your electronic devices, to a particular distinct piece for a definite issue. Even for those living off grid.

At Orgone Tech we make our products true to the original creator - Wilhelm Reich, with the omnipresent energy – energy that is present everywhere at the same time encased in this beautiful hand crafted physical structure.

There are some things that you need to consider, firstly you do not have to be a sage, or even a spiritual person, yet you do have to have minimal understanding of how energy flows. If you are a sceptic of the product, then ask yourself why are you even here reading this page? Everyday people need Orgone, we recommend having Orgone close to, firstly your electronics, PC, laptops, modems, and smart meters, EMF, electrical waves, electric towers, cell towers, etc. if you want to research this, go to YouTube and look up how Orgone decreases the dead Orgone energy being transmitted from these devices.

Orgone will also assist with nightmares, insomnia and sleep disruption, paranormal activities, protection, grounding, spiritual growth and magnetic fields, in the car, home or office.

The two main energy drainers are people or electronics, ask yourself have you been around people that have left you so tired, they have literally drained you, or if you work in an environment full of electronics and each day you feel depleted, this is dead Orgone energy that you are feeling and absorbing.

The human body has a natural response to these frequencies, we are all energy in a nonphysical living the experience in the physical, these two must survive as one, yet outside sources –EMF’s will increase detrimental effect to the energetic field of the body. This can result in many physical problems causing Dis-ease of the dualistic harmony; high electronic pulses which will have an effect on the electric currents running through the body.



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